I will if you will


Earth hour is this Saturday, March 31st at 8:30pm (in every time zone). Accept or create a challenge on their youtube page, to show your support for a better planet. Together we can make a difference.

Educate yourself before you say something stupid

It’s angry rant time:

I’m going to start carrying around copies of all 100+ pages of the vehicle and bicycle laws of the state and city of Chicago, Illinois. Why? So that every time and undereducated asshat honks their horn and yells at me for crossing the street while in the crosswalk, I can shove all that paper into their flapping maw in order to shut them up for a second while I tell them I have the LEGAL RIGHT to cross the street at that precise moment. Or whenever some jackass takes a right turn in front of me while I’m in the bike lane. Better yet, simply just drives or parks in the bike lane. BOOK TO MOUTH.

Motorists love to bitch and moan about cyclists and pedestrians, but in a city like Chicago, motorists are the ones who are the minority. If you’re a person who drives in Chicago, or any city, do everyone a favor and read the damn laws put in place to not only save lives, but also to ease the flow of traffic.

Happy Holidays Wallpaper



I wanted to make my work computer a bit more festive, so came up with this little guy. As we all know, decorating for the holidays is part of what makes the mood complete. Just click below for your free download.

If you don’t see the size you need, just leave a comment and I’ll make it!
iPhone, iPad, 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1680×1050, 2560×1440






This great little video took some good planning. Which gives it high marks on the “respect scale”. Whenever I see videos like this it makes me think of what I’d do on my next trip. Hrmmmm…

Check out their whole travel series.

Parenting fail


These parents are lying to their children. Unless they’re trying to make a Jabba snowman… Even then, it could be better.

True Story

I suck at blogging.

Great Blog

Discovered this blog through a photog friend. Hilarious and worth scrolling through. Enjoy.

How Ligatures are made

I always knew that little elves created ligatures!

Admittedly, I know nothing about this image. Originally viewed on ffffound.


A music video starring Jon Hamm and a blue puppet sasquatch? I’m there. “Tell me something I don’t know” by Herman Dune.

original post from notcot.org

Earth Day the Google way

One small thing that Google always does, that always impresses me, if update their home page banner for important dates. Go there today and have the chance to tickle panda bears, have penguins jump into a river and chase a frog around. Love your earth. It’s your only home.